Saturday, January 15, 2011

You Don't Have to Live With Back Pain

Back pain is one of the leading physical complaints among Indians. Temporary back pain can be suffered as a result of mental or emotional stress that causes the muscles to knot up and spasm, sleeping on a bad mattress or spending the workday sitting in a chair that doesn't properly support the back, back strain from improperly executed physical effort such as lifting a heavy object, or simply twisting the wrong way. This pain is usually self-healing or will be once the cause is addressed in cases such as stress or a bad mattress. It can often be relieved within a few days with over-the-counter analgesics, ice packs, or heating pads.
Chronic neck or back pain is a much more serious matter that can result from sports or work place injuries, car accidents, herniated disks, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, ligament tears, and other injuries or disease. Once evaluated by an orthopedist, these conditions may be treated effectively through nonsurgical or surgical interventions to relieve pain and restore function.
Nonsurgical treatments prescribed by an orthopedist may include physical therapy, corrective or protective devices such as a back brace, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid treatments, or a combination of treatments. Typically, depending on the type of injury or condition, surgery is considered a last resort treatment, with nonsurgical options being tried first. If you are experiencing neck or back pain that has lasted for more than a few days, make an appointment with an orthopedist or sports medicine specialist for a thorough evaluation to determine the specific cause and a recommended treatment plan. You don't have to live with back pain.
Gotham City Orthopedics one of the best sports medicine NJ has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. More information by Dr Merchant is available at
