Saturday, January 15, 2011

Back Pain is Caused by Stress

Back problems are one of the most common issues that adults face in this country. One can say that this may be due to improper lifting techniques, but it is likely a little more than that. Weight certainly plays a large role in the back problems that we all face. Our society is overweight and getting bigger by the day. That extra weight puts a lot of strain on the back.
The extra weight comes from our thought process as a society that we must get quicker in everything. That means the very pace of life has gotten faster. We have resorted to eating a lot of fast food and that has caused obesity.
Many could point to stress as the reason that they eat fast food so much. No matter what the truth is, there is no denying that stress has led to many health problems and the back pain is likely the number one issue caused by stress.
In order to deal with this problem many have turned to chiropractics. This is a way of aligning the back up again to relieve the pain. This method was widely debated in the beginning but has now been embraced as a good way to handle back pain and avoid other health issues that come from bad backs. With this many people have seen a lot of improvement in their back pain. It is something that we each must decide if we can do and if it helps us and our personal back pain.


  1. Back pain can be triggered by everyday activities at home and at work, or it can develop gradually over time as a result of sitting, standing, lifting badly.

    orthopedic surgeons las vegas

  2. More information by Dr Merchant is available at
